Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stolen Telescope!

I friend and fellow San Antonio Astronomer had some equipment stolen from his house last night:

He said both his Ford F-150 (EARLY-1990s) truck with telescope trailer, and Chevrolet Suburban (also early 1990s) were stolen from his house over the night.

His 30" Obsession and Meade 8" LX200GPS were in the trailer along with most of his eyepieces and myriad of other astro gear.

The F-150 is a two tone Beige/White combination with a Beige camper shell. The Suburban is all white. The trailer is all white with a rear loading ramp.

If by chance you see something that may resemble these vehicles, I would greatly appreciate a contact. This was taken from San Antonio area so if someone shows up with a new LX200 or Obsession at a star party call police.


Anonymous said...

Is there any update? Did your friend find any of his stolen possessions?