Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Capricornids Meteor Shower - July 29-30, 2010

Amateur Astronomers of Rhode Island Reports: "The Capricornids are characterized by their often yellow coloration and their frequent brightness. They are also slow interplanetary interlopers, hitting our atmosphere at around 15 miles per second. Though you can expect only 15 meteors per hour at best under dark sky conditions, the Capricornids are noted for producing brilliant fireballs."

Parent Comet: unknown

To prepare you for this I found this wonderful resource that has been posted numerous times on my blog:

For more information:

Monday, July 26, 2010

Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower - July 28-29, 2010

Amateur Astronomers of Rhode Island Reports: "At peak time about 20 bright, yellow meteors can be observed per hour. Because these meteors nearly broadside the Earth, their speed is a moderate 25.5 miles per second."

Parent Comet: unknown

To prepare you for this I found this wonderful resource that has been posted numerous times on my blog:

For more information:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

This Month's Light Pollution Video: